Електронска пошта |
Образовање |
1987 – Дипломирани биолог, Биолошки факултет, Београд |
Звања |
1997 – Истраживач приправник |
Професионално искуство |
1990 – Истраживачка станица Петница, Ваљво |
Награде и признања |
Области истраживања |
Биотехничке науке – Пољопривреда – Заштита биљака: Хербологија |
Чланство у удружењима |
Друштво за физиологију биљака Србије |
Изабрани радови |
Vladan Jovanović, Jasmina Nestorović Živković, Slavica Dmitrović, Mihajlo Ristić, Suzana Živković, Danijela Mišić (2013): Allelopathic potential of Nepeta rtanjensis Diklić & Milojević and Nepeta cataria L. essential oils on selected weeds. 1st International Conference of Plant Biology; 20th Symposium of the Serbian Plant Physiology Society, Programme and Abstracts, 79. Mišić D., Šiler B., Skorić M., Đuričković M., Nestorović Živković J., Jovanović V., Giba Z. (2013): Secoiridoid glycosides production by Centaurium maritimum (L.) Fritch hairy root cultures in temporary immersion bioreactor. Process Biochemistry, 48 (10), 1587–1591. Nikolić B., Dodig D., Jovanović V., Oro V., Marković A. (2012): The effect of temperature and light (PAR) on the induction of Chla fluorescence in situ. 2. Diurnal changes in stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) and red currant (Ribes spp.). Botanica Serbica, 37 (2), 161-166. Vladan Jovanović, Vaskrsija Janjić, Bogdan Nikolić (2012): Germination of two-year-old seeds of Sinapis arvensis and Papaver rhoeas originating from a Zemun Polje site. International Symposium: Current Trends in Plant Protection, Proceedings, 166-171. Stanković-Kalezić R., Jovanović V., Janjić V., Radivojević Lj., Šantrić Lj., Gajić Umiljendić J. (2012): Contribution to the study of weed species in raspberry plantations in Serbia. Proceedings Xth International Rubus and Ribes Symposium, Zlatibor, Serbia – Acta Horticulturae, 946: 303-308. Vladan Jovanović, Vaskrsija Janjić, Bogdan Nikolić, Radmila Stanković-Kalezić, Zlatko Giba, Dragoljub Grubišić (2009): Dinamic of light irradiation activity on seed germination of common chickweed [Stellaria media (L.) Vill.]. Book of Abstracts 5th Balkan Botanical congress, Belgrade, Serbia, 118. Radmila Stanković-Kalezić, Vladan Jovanović, Vaskrsija Janjić, Ljiljana Radivojević, Ljiljana Šantrić, Jelena Gajić-Umiljendić (2009): Rasprostranjenost ambrozije (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) na teritoriji opštine Obrenovac. Acta herbologica, 18(2), 103-112. Jovanović V., Janjić V., Nikolić B. (2007): Seme ambrozije. U: Ambrozija, Herbološko društvo Srbije, Beograd, 95-102. Jovanović V., Giba Z., Đoković D., Milosavljević S., Grubišić D., Konjević R. (2005): Gibberelic acid nitrite stimulates germination of two species of light-requiring seeds via nitrit oxide pathway. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1048, 476-481. |