Електронска пошта |
Образовање |
1990 – Дипломирани инжењер пољопривреде за заштиту биља и прехрамбених производа, Пољопривредни факултет, Београд |
Звања |
1991 – Истраживач приправник |
Професионално искуство |
1991 – Институт СРБИЈА – Центар за пестициде и заштиту животне средине, Београд |
Награде и признања |
2009 – Сребрна плакета за допринос развоју Института за пестициде и заштиту животне средине |
Области истраживања |
Биотехничке науке – Пољопривреда – Заштита биљака: Акарологија, Ентомологија, Фитофармација |
Чланство у удружењима |
Друштво за заштиту биља Србије |
Изабрани радови |
Marčić D., Perić P., Petronijević S., Prijović, M., Drobnjaković T., Milenković S. (2013): Efficacy evaluation of Beauveria bassiana strain ATCC 74040 (Naturalis) against spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Serbia. Third Meeting of IOBC Working Group Integrated Control of Plant-Feeding Mites, Česky Krumlov, Czech Republic - IOBC/WPRS Bulletin, 93: 65-71. Marčić D., Perić P., Stamenković S., Milenković S. (2013): Field evaluation of spiromesifen, a new tetronic acid derivative, against European red mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) on apple. II Balkan Symposium on Fruit Growing, Pitesti, Romania - Acta Horticulturae, 981: 501-505. Marčić D., Petronijević S., Drobnjaković T., Prijović M., Perić P., Milenković S. (2012): The effects of spirotetramat on life history traits and population growth of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae). Experimental and Applied Acarology, 56: 113-122. Marčić D. (2012): Acaricides in modern management of plant-feeding mites. Journal of Pest Science 85: 395-408. Milenković S., Marčić D. (2012): Raspbery leaf and bud mite (Phyllocoptes gracilis) in Serbia - the pest status and control options. Proceedings of X International Rubus and Ribes Symposium, Zlatibor, Serbia - Acta Horticulturae, No. 946, 253-256. Marčić D., Perić P. , Milenković S. (2011): Acaricides - Biological Profiles, Effects and Uses in Modern Crop Protection, Pesticides - Formulations, Effects, Fate, (Stoytcheva M. Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-532-7, InTech, Croatia, Available from: Marčić D., Mutavdžić S., Medjo I., Prijović M., Perić P. (2011): Field and greenhouse evaluation of spirodiclofen against Panonychus ulmi and Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Serbia. In: (Moraes G.J.de, Proctor H., eds.) Acarology XIII, Proceedings of the International Congress - Zoosymposia, 6: 93-98. Marčić D., Mutavdžić S., Medjo I., Prijović M., Perić P. (2011): Spirotetramat toxicity to immatures and sublethal effects on fecundity of female adults of Tetranychus urticae Koch. In: (Moraes G.J.de, Proctor H., eds.) Acarology XIII, Proceedings of the International Congress - Zoosymposia, 6: 99-103. Marčić D., Perić P., Petronijević S., Prijović M., Drobnjaković T. (2011): Cyclic ketoenols - acaricides and insecticides with a novel mode of action. Pesticides and Phytomedicine, 26: 185-195. Marčić D., Ogurlić I., Mutavdžić S., Perić P. (2010): The effects of spiromesifen on life history traits and population growth of two-spotted spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae). Experimental and Applied Acarology, 50: 255-267. Marčić D., Perić P., Prijović M., Ogurlić I. (2009): Field and greenhouse evaluation of rapeseed spray oil against spider mites, green peach aphid and pear psylla in Serbia. Bulletin of Insectology, 62: 159-167. Marčić D., Ogurlić I., Perić P. (2009): Effects of spirodiclofen on the reproductive potential of two-spotted spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) ovipositing females. Archives of Biological Sciences, 61: 777-785. Marčić D. (2007): Sublethal effects of spirodiclofen on life history and life-table parameters of two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae). Experimental and Applied Acarology, 42: 121-129. Marčić D. (2005): Sublethal effects of tebufenpyrad on the eggs and immatures of two/spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 36: 177-185. Marčić D. (2003): The effects of clofentezine on life-table parameters in two-spotted spider mite Tetranycus urticeae. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 30: 249-263. |