Head of Laboratory
Research field
- Properties of rodents harmful in agriculture and forestry,
- Methods for forecasting the incidence and distribution of rodent pests for preventive purposes
- Control of rodent pests and cost-effective measures,
- Organization of rodent pest control systems,
- Biological, ecological and genetic properties of small rodents as indicators of environmental pollution,
- Testing of rodent susceptibility to rodenticides of chemical and natural origin,
- Occurrence and distribution of rodent resistance to anticoagulant rodenticides,
- Testing of the effectiveness of essential oils as attractants, repellents or preservatives in rodent control baits,
- Tests under controlled laboratory conditions in the vivarium entered into the Registry of Animal Testing,
- Study of the biology and ecology of snails and slugs, and biological efficacy and mode of action of molluscicides
Participation in projects
Contracted funding of institutional research work for 2024
- Testing of rodenticide effectiveness for registration purposes in agriculture (fields, orchards, stands, plastic- and glass-houses) in the Republic of Serbia and Republic of Srpska
- Testing of the efficacy of rodenticides/biocides for registration purposes in public health in the Republic of Serbia and Republic of Srpska
- Testing of the efficacy of molluscicides for registration purposes in trade, and in agriculture (fields, stands, plastic- and glass-houses) in the Republic of Serbia and Republic of Srpska
- Testing of the efficacy of avicides for registration purposes in trade, and in agriculture (field, orchards, stands) in the Republic of Serbia and Republic of Srpska
- Supervision of the effectiveness of rodent control in food industries, and the effectiveness of rodent control campaigns in urban environments.