Vladan Jovanović, PhD – Scientific Associate

Ph.D. Vladan Jovanović 

Laboratory of Weed Research

Research Rank
Scientific Associate

1987 - Graduated Biologist, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
1999 - Master's degree from the Faculty of Biology (Chair of Plant Physiology), University of Belgrade
2009 - PhD from the Faculty of Biology (Chair of Plant Physiology), University of Belgrade

Research Filed
Biotechnical Sciences - Agriculture –Plant Protection (Weed Science) and Plant Physiology.

Study of the biology and ecology of weeds, especially invasive, quarantine, and economically harmful species; examination of the seed germination characteristics of weed species under the influence of various factors; study and selection plants with allelopathic potential; examination of the effects of allelochemicals and bioherbicides on weeds and crops; study of the effects of fertilizers, growth regulators and pesticides on weeds and crops.

Participation in projects
Participant in four national scientific projects (2002 - 2019)
Participant in research funded by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation (2020 - )

Activities, responsibilities and mentorship
Evaluator of the assessment of ecotoxicological properties of active plant protection substances in the plant protection product registration procedure.
Mentoring work with master's students in the field of plant physiology.

Membership in national and international organizations
Serbian Plant Physiology Society
Weed Science Society of Serbia
Society for Plant Protection of Serbia

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1525-4698
Enauka: https://enauka.gov.rs/cris/rp/rp04578

E mail:vladan.jovanovic@pesting.org.rs