Goran Jokić, PhD – Research Associate




2004 – BScAgri – Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade
2012 – PhD in Life Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade

Research ranks

2006 – Research Trainee
2009 – Research Assistant
2013 – Research Associate


2006 – Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Belgrade


Research field

Life sciences – Agriculture – Plant protection: chemical plant protection, agricultural zoology


Plant Protection Society of Serbia

Selected articles

Jokić G., Vukša M., Đedović S., Kljajić P. (2014): Laboratory testing of wood mouse and common vole sensitivity to bromadiolone, sodium selenite, and cellulose. Journal of Pest Science, 87(2): 309-314.

Jokić I. Goran. (2014): Impact of Rodent Species on Alfalfa Crops: Solve the Problem. In Hirsh L. M. (Ed.). Alfalfa: Ecology, Production and Disease Management. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA. pp. 75-103.

Jokić G., Vukša M., Đedović S., Stojnić B., Kataranovski D., Šćepović T. (2013): Effects of Different Essential Oils on the Acceptability and Palatability of Cereal-Based Baits for Laboratory Mice. Pesticides and Phytomedicine, 28(2), 111-116.

Jokić G., Vukša M., Elezović I., Đedović S., Kataranovski D. (2012): Application of grain baits to control common vole Microtus arvalis (Pallas, 1778) in alfalfa crops, Serbia. Archives of Biological Sciences, 64(2): 629-637.

Đedović, S., Vukša, M., Petrović, M.M., Bojkovski, J., Pavlović, I., Jokić, G., Stojnić, B. (2012): Control of brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) on a dairy farm in Serbia. Biotechnology in Animal Hausbandry, 28(3): 623-633.

Vukša, M., Jokić, G., Ðedović, S., Vukša, P., Stojnić, B. (2012): The justification for application and development trends of non-conventional rodenticides in protection of alfalfa from rodents. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 28(4): 659-673.

Đedović, S., Vukša, M., Stojnić, B., Jokić G. (2011): Preparati na bazi selena i suzbijanje sinantropnih glodara u objektima u poljoprivredi. Pesticidi i Fitomedicina, 26(3), 265-270.

Jokić G., Vukša M., Đedović S., Stojnić B., Kataranovski, D. (2011): The possibility of use of some essential oils in rodenticidal baits. Book of abstract of 8th European Vertebrate Pest Management Conference, Berlin, Germany, 186-187.

Stojnić B., Vukša M., Jokić G., Čkrkić M. (2011): First Record of Introduced Valencia Slug, Lehmannia valentiana (Férussac, 1822), in Serbia. Pesticides and Phytomedicine, 26(3), 213–220.

Jokić G., Vukša P, Vukša M. (2010): Comparative efficacy of conventional and new rodenticides against Microtus arvalis (Pallas, 1778) in wheat and alfalfa crops. Crop Protection, 29(5), 487-491.

Jokić G., Vukša M., Draganić M., Čović I., Đedović, S. (2009): Application of Sodium Selenite Baits to Control Common Vole Microtus arvalis Pall in Alfalfa Crops in Serbia. Book of abstract of 7th European Vertebrate Pest Management Conference, Lyon, France.