Svetlana Milijašević-Marčić, PhD – Principal Research Fellow

Ph.D. Svetlana Milijašević-Marčić

Laboratory of Phytopathology

Research Rank
Principal Research Fellow

2000 - Graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture, Plant and food product protection, University of Belgrade
2005 – MSc from the Faculty of Agriculture, Biotechnical Sciences, University of Belgrade
2008 - PhD from the Faculty of Agriculture, Agricultural Sciences, University of Novi Sad

Research Filed
Biotechnical Sciences - Agriculture - Plant Protection: Phytopathology

Identification and characterization of plant pathogenic and mycopathogenic bacteria; study of biochemical and physiological characteristics of the pathogens of plants and edible fungi; molecular tools for detection, identification and characterization of plant pathogens; isolation and identification of antagonistic microorganisms as potential biological control agents of phytopathogenic and mycopathogenic fungi; study of the effects of biopesticides (botanical and microbiological) and other antibacterial and antifungal substances in the control of plant pathogenic and mycopathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Participation in projects
Participant in four national scientific projects (2002 - 2019)
Participant in research funded by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation (2020 -)
Participant of the Science Fund project - Green program of cooperation between science and industry “Micro-Mush – Microbial recipe for edible mushroom production “(2023 – 2025)
Participant of the bilateral scientific cooperation Project between Republic of Serbia and Republic of Austria (2018-2020)
Leader of the bilateral scientific cooperation Project between Republic of Serbia and Republic of Croatia  (2019-2022)

Activities, responsibilities and mentorship
Head of the Scientific Board of the Institute (2021-)
Member of the Scientific Board of the Institute (2011-)
Member of the editorial board of the national scientific journal "Pesticides and Phytomedicine" (M24) (2013-)
Mentorship - MSc students (5) and PhD students (1) in microbiology field

Membership in national and international organizations
Plant Protection Society of Serbia
International Society for Mushroom Science

Scopus: 35099110200

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