мастер биолог Милица Симоновић
мастер биолог Милица Симоновић

Master of Science in Biology Milica Simonović

Laboratory of Chemistry and Ecotoxicology

Research Rank
Јunior researcher

2021 - Bachelor of Science with Honours in Biology, Graduated from the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
2023 - Master of Science in Biology from the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade

Research Filed
Biotechnical Sciences - Agriculture - Plant Protection (Phytomedicine).

Participation in projects

Activities, responsibilities and mentorship

Membership in national and international organizations

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-8734-2416
Enauka: https://enauka.gov.rs/cris/rp/rp35099/brief.html

E mail:milica.simonovic@pesting.org.rs