Laboratory Laboratory of Weed Research |
Research Rank Senior Research Associate |
Education 2008 - Graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture, Plant and food product protection, University of Belgrade 2013 - PhD from the Faculty of Agriculture, Biotechnical Sciences (field of agronomic sciences), University of Belgrade |
Research Filed Biotechnical Sciences - Agriculture - Plant Protection (Weed Science).
Studying the effects of allelochemicals and products of natural origin in weed control. Testing herbicide efficacy and herbicide-tolerant crops, herbicide residues in soil and their impacts on succeeding crops, efficacy evaluation of herbicides and growth regulators, and their impacts on crop plants and beneficial organisms in the environment. Development of a strategy for the integrated protection of crops from weeds. Studying weed plants' biology and ecology, especially invasive, quarantined, and economically harmful species. Study of weed flora in crops and ruderal habitats. |
Participation in projects Participant in two national scientific projects (2008 - 2019) Participant in FA COST Action FA1203 “Sustainable management of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe (SMARTER)” (2012-2016) Participant in the project ”Comparative assessment of competitive interaction between the invasive introduced parasitic plant Cuscuta campetris and native members of genus Cuscuta by ecological, molecular genetics and biochemical approaches”, Bulgarian National Science Fund (2019-2022) Participant in research funded by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation (2020 - ) |
Activities, responsibilities and mentorship Member of the working team for testing the biological efficacy of herbicides, growth regulators, arboricides, and desiccants Secretary of the Weed Science Society of Serbia Mentoring work with master's and doctoral students in the field of weed science Mentoring work with gifted students in the field of biology within the framework of the activities of the Regional Talent Center Belgrade |
Membership in national and international organizations Weed Science Society of Serbia Society for Plant Protection of Serbia European Weed Research Society (EWRS) The International Parasitic Plant Society (IPPS) |
Bibliography ORCID: Enauka: |
Contact E mail: |