Laboratory Laboratory of Phytopathology |
Research Rank Principal Research Fellow |
Education 1996 – BSc in Plant and Food Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade 2004 – МSc in Biotechnical Sciences, field of agronomic sciences – plant pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade 2010 – PhD in Biotechnical Sciences, field of plant and food protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade |
Research field Biotechnical Sciences – Agriculture – Plant protection: Plant pathology
Diagnosis of fungal and pseudofungal diseases of fruits, vegetables, field crops and ornamentals; Detection, identification and characterization of quarantine plant pathogenic fungi; Pathogenic, morphological and ecological characteristics of fungal plant pathogens; Molecular identification and characterization of fungal plant pathogens; Control of plant pathogens by means of conventional fungicides, biofungicides and botanicals; studying of the effects of fungicides, biofungicides and the products of natural origin (antagonistic microorganisms and essential oils) in the control of plant pathogenic fungi and pseudofungi; Development of biofungicides based on antagonistic microorganisms and secondary plant metabolites for the control of fungal plant pathogens; studying of the sensitivity of phytopathogenic fungi to fungicides. |
Participation in projects Participant in research funded by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation (2020 - ) Participant in five national scientific projects (2010-2019) Facilitator in the project „Boosting 4 BEST practices for SOIL health in Europe“ within Horizon 2020 program (2018 ̶ 2021) Coordinator of two bilateral project Serbia-Belarus (2011-2013 and 2014-2016) Coordinator of one research project funded by Ministry of Agriculture of RS (2005 ̶ 2007) |
Activities, responsibilities and mentorship Head of the Laboratory for Phytopathology and Fungicides (2004 ̶ 2007) Deputy director of the Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection (2010 ̶ 2015) Member of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection (2011 ̶ ) Phytosanitary inspection of plant material (2004–) Mentoring of talented primary and secondary school students in the field of biology as part of the activities of the Regional Talent Center Belgrade (2000 ̶ 2019) Organizer and implementer of the professional training for students of the Academy for Applied Studies Polytechnic, Belgrade (2008–) Mentoring of bachelor, master and PhD students in the field of plant pathology (2009–) Member of the Editorial Board of the national scientific journal „Pesticides & Phytomedicine“ (M24) (2013–) President of the Plant Protection Society of Serbia (2016 ̶ 2020) Convener of the X International Rubus and Ribes Symposium 22-26 June 2011, Zlatibor, Srbija Convener of the VII and VIII Congress on Plant Protection, Zlatibor, Srbija |
Membership in national and international organizations Plant Protection Society of Serbia American Phytopathological Society International Society for Horticultural Sciences |
Bibliography ORCID: Enauka: ResearchGate: |
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