Anđelka Tomašević, PhD – Research Associate

Ph.D. Anđelka Tomašević

Laboratory of Chemistry and Ecotoxicology

Research Rank
Senior Research Associate

1984 - Graduated from the Faculty of Technology and Metalurgy, University of Belgrade
2011 - PhD from the Faculty of Technology and Metalurgy, Technical Sciences (field of chemistry and chemical technology), University of Belgrade

Research Filed
Biotechnical Sciences – Agriculture – Plant Protection (Phytopharmacy)

Study of the pesticides and dyes degradation and photoregradation in different media using different analytical techniques

Participation in projects
Participant in national scientific projects (1997 – 2019)
Participant in the project of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia: “Pesticide residues in foods of plant origin, soil and water” (2004 – 2005 I 2007)
Participant in the bilateral scientific-technological cooperation project between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Italy: „Smart monitoring of pesticides in farming areas” (2016 – 2018)

Activities, responsibilities and mentorship
Head of the Laboratory of Chemistry (2008 -2015)
Authorized person for the assessment of plant protection products, active substances i.e. basic substances in the registration procedure of plant protection products in the fields: Evaluation of the chemical and physical properties of plant protection products and Technical equivalence in the data assessment and risk assessment – pesticides chemistry and analytical methods (2018 - 2022)
Mentoring work with basic, master's and doctoral students in the field of photochemistry

Membership in national and international organizations
Serbian Chemical Society
Association of Chemistry and the Environment (ACE)


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