Милица Милошевић, маст.инж.

MSc Milica Milošević

Laboratory of Phytopathology

Research Rank
Junior Research Assistant

2021 - Graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture (Plant Production-Phytomedicine), University of Belgrade
2022 - MSc from the Faculty of Agriculture (Phytomedicine), University of Belgrade
Currently a doctoral (PhD) student at the Faculty of Agriculture (Agricultural Sciences-Phytomedicine), University of Belgrade.

Research field
Biotechnical Sciences – Agriculture – Plant Protection: Phytopharmacy

Identification and control of phytopathogenic fungi. Evaluation of the biological efficacy of chemical and biological fungicides and bactericides. Sensitivity of phytopathogenic fungi to fungicides and natural products, such as essential oils and plant extracts. Investigation of the emergence and development of resistance in phytopathogenic fungi to synthetic fungicides with different modes of action. Analysis of the genetic basis of fungicide resistance in phytopathogenic fungi using diverse molecular techniques.

Participation in projects

Activities, responsibilities and mentorship
Biological efficacy of fungicides and bactericides
Mentoring of gifted students in the field of biology within the framework of activities conducted by the Regional Talent Center Belgrade.

Membership in national and international organizations
Plant Protection Society of Serbia

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-4412-3181
eNauka: https://enauka.gov.rs/cris/rp/rp33062/dspaceitems.html

E mail: milica.milosevic@pesting.org.rs
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/milica-o-milo%C5%A1evi%C4%87-b7809618b